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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

Education Grants

The Back Country Horsemen of BC (BCHBC) Educational Grants provide funds for educational events.  

Any BCHBC Chapter in good standing and who completes the application requirements may apply once annually for an Education Grant of up to $300.

Educational events can be presented that will improve horsemanship, safety, back country skills, or other topics as outlined in BCHBC's 4 level training program.  Educational events can be open to all but any participant must carry current HCBC or AEC insurance if horses are involved in the event.

Grant money can be used to fund clinician fees, clinician travel, arena fees; to subsidize registration costs or however the Chapter agrees to use the grant.  Grants are not to be used for competitions or riding lessons.

When the event is over and complete, the Chapter must submit a Post Event Report. Grant money is distributed to the Chapter only after the final Report is submitted. 

Grant forms come in two parts;  The Application Form and the Final Report Form.
To fill them out, first download the appropriate pakage file below (Word or as a PDF) Save it to your harddrive, then fill it in, and save it. Send your completed application form to the Education Committee Chair as an attachment to an email.


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