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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why join Back Country Horsemen of BC?

Mainly to have fun with other trail riders. Some of our members are more interested in learning about trail riding, some like to meet new people to ride with, others are passionate about protecting and developing trails. We have a pretty equal mix, and no single interest seems to dominate.


Who belongs to Back Country Horsemen of B.C.?

Possibly not who you would expect. Our membership consists of men, women, and youth who are interested in trailriding. Any kind of trail riding, not just long pack trips. Over 90% of the riding done by our members is on urban trails and less than a day in duration. More of our members are female than are male, and the vast majority of our members do not pack. So if you were thinking you might not fit in, as long as you have an interest in trail riding, meeting other trail riders, and having fun with people and horses, you will fit in just fine!


What kind of activities do Back Country Horsemen of B.C. members do?

Our activities are mainly in three categories - riding, education, and trail work. So that means trail rides, clinics, and workbees. All are social activities, with having fun safely as priority #1. And of course most chapters have meetings almost every month, and a few other gatherings as well.


What about education? Will I have a chance to learn and improve my trailriding?

Back Country Horsemen has a 4 level education program to provide educational opportunities for all interested members. This includes both beginners and experts who want to learn or improve their skills, those who want to learn to become instructors, as well as those who wish to instruct or share knowledge, either as volunteers or as paid instructors. The program is based on the Certified Horsemanship Association trail program. This program is designed to be a complete and thorough progressive system covering necessary skills for trail riders, from basic riding skills to back country pack trips. Skills can be obtained from any where or anyone. Standards will be maintained by having the evaluations done by CHA Certified Trail Instructors. The program is intended to be a “fun” environment, with social activities connected to educational events. There is room for involvement of any interested horseman, at any age or level of accomplishment.


Will I be protecting equine trails by joining Back Country Horsemen of B.C.?

Yes. But mostly you will be having fun! Trail workbees are one of the things we do to keep trails accessible. They are not like work at all! We probably have more fun on workbees than anything else, but get a lot of trail work done at the same time.


Do I need to own a horse to belong to Back Country Horsemen of B.C.?



Do I need a horse trailer to belong to Back Country Horsemen of B.C.?

No. Many of our members do not have trailers. A lot of our activities do not require you to transport your horse. In any case we have many members who have trailers and are usually more than willing to share a ride.


Do I need insurance to belong to Back Country Horsemen of B.C.?

If you will be riding or using equines at club functions, you MUST maintain a membership in a Provincial Equine organization which supplies it's members with coverage via the Capri Insurance Equine program. Examples of these include Horse Council B.C., the Alberta Equestrian Federation, and others.

If you will NOT be using a horse at club events, you do not need insurance.


How much does it cost to belong to Back Country Horsemen of B.C.?

Senior membership fees are $45 per year, juniors (17 and under) are free. Most of our events are free, some at a minimal cost.


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