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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

Guidelines for Facebook


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Guidelines for BCHBC Facebook Group discussions/posting:

One of the best ways to keep in touch in 'real time' with what is happening with Back Country Horsemen members across the Province is to join our Facebook Group. Facebook Group

Click the link above or find us by pasting this link into your browser: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bchorsemanbc/

Please be aware of the following protocol, based on member feedback and with the intention of promoting BCHBC events, activities, and objectives:

  • Posts about BCHBC Chapter achievements and/or upcoming events are encouraged.
  • Educational/entertaining/inspirational posts about trail riding, horse health/care/feeding/training, relevant stories, etc. are welcome.
  • If your question/comment is of an educational or complimentary nature, post away! If you want to criticize or be negative, posts will be deleted.
  • NO POSTS relating to animal cruelty or neglect, unless a BCHBC Chapter is directly involved in a solution/fundraiser, etc.
  • NO POSTS of events unrelated to BCHBC activities.
  • NO SALES POSTS OF ANY KIND in this group.
  • NO POSTS OF A COMMERCIAL NATURE: this includes- clinics, training, farrier services, listings by real estate agents, handicrafts, art for sale, horse products or services that provide an individual profit.

Be part of the BCHBC family! Check out one of the many chapter meetings across the province, where we connect face to face. While Facebook can be fun.....nothing beats genuine 'face time'! Many of the Chapters host their own Facebook Groups where you can learn about local rides and other more regional information.

Click here for a list of Chapters and contacts.

Click here to view a map of the province to locate a Chapter near you.







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