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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

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Number of Categories: 4
folder.png BCHBC (downloadable files) Files: 23

Downloads of general interest for Members, including:
   - BCHBC Constitution and Bylaws; 
   - Membership Application Forms; 
   - Education Grant application forms  
   - Trail Grant application forms
   - Work Bee Report forms; 
   - BCHBC LogoWear Catalog

folder.png BCHBC Handouts (Best Practices, horsemenship, packing/horse camping) Files: 11
BCHBC Handouts are downloadable information sheets on horsemanship, trail riding, horse camping and "Leave No Trace" principles, . 
Chapters are encouraged to share handouts with their members and others that may be interested.
folder.png Emergency & Disaster Preparation Files: 9
folder.png Trails & Maps Subcategories: 3 Files: 32

Printable Trail Maps

Copyrigcht © 2024 Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia