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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

Volunteering and Work Bee Reporting


workbeeBCHBC Chapters across the Province work to clear and repair trails, improve footing, build bridges, and other forms of trail maintenance as well as scouting new trails.

The recording and reporting of work conducted by volunteers is important for many reasons:
  • BCHBC uses hours documented to support our efforts and mission of perpetuating enjoyable and common sense stock use on the trails and back country.
  • Volunteering helps keep trails open for all types of users. It shows us as a good neighbor with the community, youth and other user groups by ensuring that public lands remain open to recreational use.
  • Legislators and land managers know that our volunteer hours are an asset and work donated gives credibility to BCHBC during discussions with land managers.
  • Volunteers perform work that would not otherwise get done when various government funding is cut.
  • Volunteering and recording those volunteer hours gives BCHBC Chapters an opportunity to participate in grant programs that can augment government funding.
  • Volunteering has a positive effect when talking with land managers. It shows that as a user group we take responsibility for keeping our public lands in good condition for future generations.
  • Volunteering helps overcome negative opinions about sharing trails and enhances our image as stock riders on trails.
  • Volunteering gives a sense of pride, brings a positive attitude to the chapter and promotes teamwork by planning, building, and maintaining trails and trailheads.
  • Volunteerism and Education is a big part of our organization from Leave No Trace, First Aid training and other equine related programs.

 Without volunteers, our organization wouldn’t be what it is now

Janet Schmidt
Provincial Work Bee Coordinator

604-832-7400 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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