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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

Work Bee Reporting and Forms


Please send your Chapter Work Bee Reports by email to:

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 Chapter Trail Reports are submitted to Provincial so we can provide a summary and accurate information when working with Parks, Recreation, Sites and Trails, and Private Landowners. We can use our work bee reports from the past to prove historic use of and commitment to a trail.

What can be included on a Work Bee Report? Some of the elements that might be involved are:


  • Scouting new trail
  • Meeting with authorities over access/permission
  • Building new trail
  • Maintaining an existing trail
  • Mapping/documenting trails
  • Other

The work bee report has provisions to record all activities that arise out of these elements. Time spent meeting with authorities can be included as well as on-the-trail work. Download the document "How to complete a Report" with the link below for details on completing your report, or contact me directly if you have any questions.

Please remember the next time you go and clear some windfalls or build a new section of trail, fill out a work bee report and send it in - your right to ride in the future may depend on it.

 Janet Schmidt 
Provincial Work Bee Coordinator
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CLICK HERE for a downloadabe form. Complete in Excel and email as attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Created: 2015-10-21 14:43:08
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