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A province wide society of over 900 members in 23 regional chapters. Whether you are new to trail riding or are a seasoned pro, Back Country Horsemen of BC (BCHBC) offers a friendly atmosphere for those interested in trail riding and packing.

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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia


Back Country Horsemen Association of British Columbia

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Thu Nov 21 @ 7:30PM - 09:30PM
Yarrow Chapter
Monday, 16 November 2020 11:24

2020 Ernie Buckle's cowboy poetry Winner







Boots 3Winner of the 2020
Ernie Buckle's Cowboy Poetry award


Denise Barry from Gabriola Island
and a member of
            Central Vancouver IslandChapter.
 with her poem

                                                                                 "The Little Cowboy"


The judges for this year consisted of members from the Prince George Chapter and once again choosing a winner was a really hard decision to make.

The videos were so creative and enjoyable to watch.  Even though things had to be done differently this year it was a fantastic opportunity for members to showcase their skills!

They loved the costumes, the voice overs, pictures and readings of the poems but the  winning poem really brought home the spirit of our organization and passing the love of horses and adventures and “cowboy pride” on to the next generation.


When interviewed after her win was announced, Denise, or Riley as she is usually called, gave us some background to her winning creation.

 "I was so excited to join with my new horse Betty last January but we didn’t get to participate much due to COVID-19 limitations. Betty and I plan to make up for lost time on the trail next year!

I’m not a poet of any variety, but what better way to celebrate becoming a grandmother! My passion is for horses, but having a Little Cowboy was the best thing that ever happened to me.

My son Mike shared that interest with me from early on, slept in the barn while I did chores and once he was old enough, insisted on helping me muck out with a little plastic wheelbarrow. But more than that, my son developed a deep respect for animals which to me reflects the best of cowboy life. I guess I was motivated to write this poem because I hope that the next  "Little Cowboy", soon to join our family, will be the same.

By the way, the boots I wrote about were inherited from his three stepbrothers and by the time they got to him were pretty well worn. Still, you could barely get those old boots off his feet. Mike wore them everywhere while they fitted – sweatpants, shorts, you name it. I think he even wore them to bed one night!"


Our congratulations go out to Riley, her son Mike and his wife, and their soon to arrive baby.

To view Riley's video click on the link below



little cowboy 2

                                                                                     The Little Cowboy


We also wish to acknowledge all the members who participated in the contest.  Here's hoping we can get their submissions up at a later date.

  • Denice "Riley" Barrie - Central Vancouver Island Chapter
  • Marie Reimer - Shuswap Chapter
  • Heather Sykes - South Vancouver Island Chapter
  • Rose Schroder & Linda Buchanan - Shuswap Chapter
  • Juanita Gibney - Okanagan Chapter 



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